Fashionable Pokemon Come To Pokemon Go For Fashion Week

Niantic has given more details on the upcoming Pokemon Go Fashion week, that’ll be taking place from September 27 at 10 AM local time to October 3 at 8 PM local time. Fashion week will introduce new pokemon to the game, clothes, raids, and more. Come from Sports betting site VPbet

During fashion week, pokemon, such as Mareanie and Toxapex, will be making their pokemon go debut. At the same time, other pokemon such as Diglett, Dugtrio, Absol, and Toxicroak will be wearing special outfits.

In addition to new pokemon appearing, players will have a higher chance of finding a Butterfree, Murkrow, Glameow, Croagunk, Blitzle, Gothita, Frillish (F), Furfrou, and Mareanie. There’ll also be timed research for Digletts, Absols, and Croagunks.

They can also participate in the following raids:

  • Diglett (One-star)
  • Shinx (One-star)
  • Croagunk (One-star)
  • Scraggy (One-star)
  • Furfrou (One-star)
  • Butterfree (Three-star)
  • Kirlia (Three-star)
  • Absol (Three-star)
  • Mareanie (Three-star)
  • Yveltal (Five-star)
  • Mega Lopunny (Mega)

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